Ensuring the successful inclusion of Climate change and sustainable development in a progressive geography curriculum. EYFS to Yr 6
The government would like every school to be a sustainable school, a place which models good practice for young people and their communities and that builds sustainability into the learning experience of every child.
The day will be a very practical, interactive and content rich day providing timely support for educator’s new to teaching climate change and sustainable development as well as those with more experience. The course will include the key elements of an enquiry based, outcome driven creative geography curriculum and a wide variety of examples of how to including climate change with in the curriculum. All delegates will receive geography led , climate change learning and teaching activities and schemes of work to use in the context of their own schools.
Key Objectives, all colleagues will leave:-
- Understanding the key principles of designing and resourcing, challenging and progressive geography curriculum.
- Understanding the key principles of sustainability in a primary school setting, community, campus and curriculum.
- Gaining experience of high-quality teaching for and about climate change and sustainability at a local, national and global scale
- Review and receive fully resourced half term schemes of work on climate and sustainability used during the day to support the development of best practice.
- With increased confidence, engage in effective enquiry and investigative learning
Outline of the day
9.00 Key Messages: Ensuring successful subject leadership in a creative geography curriculum
9.45 Sustainability in a the primary setting – walking the talk.
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Principles into practice: EYFS What is my planet like? What is a farm and what does a farmer do? What is so special about where I live local environment
11.45 Principles into practice: KS1 How can we persuade people to join us in tackling the causes of global warming? KS 1 Why does it matter where by food comes from
12.30 Lunch
13.00 Principles into practice: LKS2 How can we live more sustainably? Water resources
13.30 Principles into practice: UKS2 How is climate change affecting the world?
Why do our seas and oceans matter so much?
14.30 What does a sustainable campus look like? Developing our buildings and school grounds.