Naturesbase camp is different from many larger centres in several ways. Firstly, we recognise that a school journey or field trip is a highlight in a child’s/students school life and we therefore want to make it extra special by only having one school staying here at any time. In this way the children/students are not just visitors but feel very much part of our small holding, helping out with feeding and joining in with the responsibilities whenever possible. But it also means that we can give them 100% attention to really make the week a great experience.
Secondly, this is our home as well as Naturesbase , so we live on site with our children all year round enabling us to work with the visiting groups from early in the morning until late in the evening, but still be on call during the night. It also means the site is child friendly and safe for all the activities we offer.
And lastly we recognize the huge range of learning styles, abilities and characters that make up a group. That is why we individually design the programme with the visiting teachers. But this is not set in stone once a school arrives, due to weather, tiredness or a burst of extra energy, we are flexible to alter activities in accordance with the wishes of visiting staff.
We would like all of our visitors to enjoy themselves. ‘Having Fun’ and ‘Feeling Safe’ go hand in hand and throughout our 18 years of working with schools, the health and safety of our visitors has always been of prime importance. However, for various reasons, this important part of the school experience does sometimes cause concern. Therefore, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions which are posed to us.
Our promise to you
At Naturesbase we have:
- Risk assessed field sites, activities and buildings
- A 24 hour on call system with on site staff and ‘on call’ back up
- Restricted access external gates are locked at night.
- Regular head counts both during activities and in the Camp
- Nominated first aiders are available 24 hours a day
- Robust personnel systems for the appointment, induction and monitoring of staff, including checking of all appropriate qualifications, references and criminal records
- Comprehensive induction and training for health and safety issues
- Public liability insurance cover for your peace of mind. A certificate from our brokers confirming details of our cover is available
- A programme and audit of Health, Safety and Hygiene
Visiting teachers sleep in tents or rooms between the children’s tents / rooms for security and safety. The toilets are close and external areas lit during the night.
A safe ‘outdoor’ experience relies ultimately on the common sense and good judgement of the staff and group leaders. Most people agree that there is no substitute for field experience and we have over 18 years experience working with children in a wide range of environments and centres. No untrained staff will lead school groups in the field and our staff will always work within their own experience. We do not carry out any ‘adventure’ activities, such as and including climbing, caving and watersports.
Who is responsible during the visit?
We make it our duty to care for all visitors at Naturesbase and we will make sure that everybody knows who is responsible. Often the responsibility is shared by our staff and teachers who are accompanying their groups. Visiting teachers will maintain overall responsibility for their students, as recommended in the latest government guidelines.
What about insurance?
Naturesbase has public liability insurance to cover our legal liability for injury to visitors or damage to their property. All schools who visit us must have their own insurance which covers travel and field trips.
Medical details
Medical emergencies are very rare during our field trips but if they do happen we are well prepared. All visitors will be asked to fill in a confidential medical questionnaire before a visit. This information will forewarn our staff of any conditions which may require prompt medical treatment. All of our teaching staff are first aiders who are also trained to look after students with allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. Naturesbase staff will also carry a ‘safety sack’ for emergencies and first aid during activities away from our main barn.