From the age of 5 -16 children in the UK spend over 3 years of their school life in their school grounds during playtime. This is where they are meant to creatively interact, play, use their imagination, develop formative views feeling, values and attitudes about each other and their surrounding environment. Some playgrounds are inspiring but far too many are more like prison landscapes, high walls or wire fences with large areas of tarmac or short grass to recreate in. Is there any wonder that children are suffering from nature deficit disorder?
Naturesbase has over 20 years experience designing school grounds and constructing simple elements to enhance schools grounds, including children in the design and construction wherever possible and working with teachers to help incorporate the curriculum in the outdoors.
Whether it is a new Forest School area, an EYS outdoor space or a whole school grounds approach with link to the curriculum and outdoor learning we can help you, your staff team and the children to develop a concept plan for the future development of your grounds.